Success Stories


There are hundreds of known AGA success stories. Below are just a few:

“Amanda, just wanted you to know that after 13 years my granddaughter sent me a text that she wanted to talk to me.  We had over an hour conversation yesterday.  Prayers answered.  She is 22 years. I still can’t believe it happened. Never give up hope for all who are still struggling with alienation. “

“I sent messages to our son’s office about three times a year. They were positive letters that talked about what was happening in our family. He told me they gave him the courage to call when the time was right. They validated to him that our door was always open for him to walk through.  There has been a divorce, so now we travel to enjoy time with our son and grandkids.”

“Just wanted to tell you things have taken a change for the better here! My D-I-L finally accepted my apology after many tries.  She still doesn’t accept that any of it was her fault, but I took the high road because I want to see my grandchildren and my son. The children acted like nothing had ever happened!”

“Please remove my email address from the AGA Newsletter list. I’m thrilled to say my daughter and I are no longer estranged, and I spent all day yesterday with my grandson!  I have hope this will happen for many others! Thank you, AGA!”

“Just wanted to send a happy note for a change. My wife and I went to a Christmas program since public events were the only times we were able to see her. All dressed up, we watched her every move hoping she would know we were there. We were hoping to hug her as she came off the stage like so many others were doing.  Just in a flash who should appear? ….none other than her mother and a new great-grandson. Big hugs from all! Our great-granddaughter asked if we still had a big celebration and opened presents on Christmas Eve.  With our YES reply she said, ‘We sure would like to come!’ Talk about HAPPY. This was a 10-minute conversation. We both cried all the way home.  So, after 3 years, 10 months, and 24 days our prayers were answered. We have no idea what caused the alienation, but jealousy, the M-I-L, and being??? We know the heartbreak, the depression, the medical problems, and lost feeling of not seeing these beautiful smiling faces that love to see their grandparents. To all of those not there yet, keep PRAYING.  Thank you, Amanda.  For many months your AGA Newsletter was all that kept this 81-year-old going.“

“I am beyond thrilled to tell you, Amanda, that we have been reunited with our daughter and grandchildren after not seeing them for four long years!  She is in the process of getting a divorce from a narcissistic man that tried to get control of her trust fund.  He almost succeeded. It was like she had rewritten her childhood and had Stockholm Syndrome.  This has actually been a 6-year+ nightmare that almost ruined our lives.”

“After not being allowed to see my grandchild for 1 ½ years, I finally went to their state with a witness and knocked on their door.  Her husband let us in. He introduced me to my new grandchild. My daughter went next door to get my firstborn grandchild. We spent a short time together to be respectful.  But we did get together a few more times on the trip! My daughter acted as though nothing had ever happened. I knew from AGA not to say anything. I am taking this one day at a time…baby steps as you suggested. Thanks for your help, Amanda.”

“Amanda, I had taken your suggestion and sent periodic messages to my son. Occasionally he would respond, not always nicely.  Fast forward a year (which seemed like a lifetime) and he actually responded to me with a call.  I had related something important in my message, and he had just gone through an emotional time. We met for lunch. I decided I would listen and let him do most of the talking.  I felt so good that in the midst of a difficult time for him, he made time for me.  Seeing my grandchildren will be the next challenge, since he inferred that I would have to make amends with my D-I-L. I will have to do this if I ever want to see my grandchildren. Thank you for all that you do.”

“I am so grateful to you. It’s been four years of therapy for me trying to hold on.  But now I found AGA.  I followed your advice and sent a message each week this year telling my daughter that I love her and think of her. Her wealthy controlling husband has kept me away from the daughter I was so close to for so many years, and from the little grandson I love and who loved me so much. Today I left the first voicemail for my daughter, I knew he would be at work, since he did not allow me to call their house.  When I returned home, this was the voicemail waiting for me, “Hi Mom.  I love you, too. Thank you for reaching out to me. I will be in touch. “   (Afternote – no more contact,  but the grandmother now knows her daughter does indeed love her.)

“It’s like a miracle each time there is a success!  What seemed impossible can happen!”